Our historical vineyards cultivated with Bellussera method
Today Ca’ di Rajo manages one of the largest properties of vines trained in Bellussera, about 20 hectares. Bellussera proves to be a highly sustainable cultivation system thanks to the geometrical disposition which allows a high exposure of vines.
The system of vine cultivation in Bellussera, also known as ray system, is an ancient system mainly spread in Veneto and developed by Bellussi brothers from Tezze di Piave (Treviso) at the end of 1800’s, in order to fight the scourge of downy mildew.
In the Bellussera, wooden poles about 4 meters high are connected to each other by iron wires arranged in spokes.
Each pole supports 4 vines, raised about 2.50 meters from the ground, and from each of them permanent cords are formed that are made to develop inclined upward and diagonal to the inter-row, forming a radial.

Although this method of cultivation has now fallen into disuse and supplanted by mechanized farming systems,our vinary still keeps an excellent production of grapes cultivated in Bellussera committing itself with great passion to exalt its value and uniqueness..
These vineyards represent for us a historical heritage to be kept, because on them is based the memory of our identity and the typicality of our territory.
From these historical vineyards in the territory of Piave river,which today have reached 70 years of life, we started to build the greatness of our future.

Tourists, wine lovers and operators visiting our winery never miss the opportunity to immortalize with some shots the charm and uniqueness of our vineyards cultivated in “bellussera”: an embroidery in the air and an ancient and now unobtainable cultivation method.